Control panel with display for one or two 24V electromechanical operators used on 230V swing gates. There are two power modules, which are interchangeable and can operate all motors. The radio receiver is incorporated and the memory of the remote controls is removable and expandable. It has an anti-crushing system based on D-Track technology, it controls the slowing down when opening and closing and has an electronic self-learning function. The main functions include automatic closing, fast closing, partial opening and hold-to-run operation. This panel can be programmed using Bluetooth or remotely via wifi/GSM using a dedicated app. The product complies with the new energy efficiency regulations and therefore has a power consumption on standby of less than 0.5 W.


Modular: with the additional modules you can offer more installation options to meet the requirements of a wider range of customers. The new smart board can, if necessary, provide greater electrical power for operating larger motors or motors which operate in demanding conditions

Connectible: with the dual connector, you can connect a gateway and leave it permanently connected, using the second slot for harnessing the full potential of the B-EBA family of cards

Advanced: the U-LINK communication protocol is technologically advanced and can now communicate with the cloud and modern data communications technologies. It is very fast and reactive, meaning it can communicate data bi-directionally and it supports OTA technology which means that firmware updates can be scheduled remotely

Portable: the memory capacity for remote controls has been expanded from 64 to 128 positions but, if needed, the 2,048-position module can be selected for managing installations with a large number of stored remote controls. The memory can be removed and inserted into a new motherboard without losing any remote controls or the stored list of parameters and logic

Spacious: the box housing the electronics is completely new. There is more room for maintenance, wiring is quicker and easier with the new system with seals, the battery pack for emergency operation can be fitted into the box and the wall mounting system has been revised and simplified

94% in meno di consumo energetico in modalità stand-by, che si traduce in 69.82 kWh risparmiati ogni anno. Il consumo di energia degli accessori collegati alla scheda non è conteggiato.



Evoluzione del protocollo di comunicazione U-link, U-link 2.0 mantiene una robusta protezione dei dati, l’approccio aperto che le consente di adattarsi a diversi linguaggi di comunicazione e la sua scalabilità che non pone limiti al collegamento di oggetti (B-eba) al network. Al tempo stesso evolve consentendo di inviare ma anche ricevere informazioni dalla centrale realizzando una comunicazione bi-direzionale. Supporta inoltre la tecnologia OTA che consente di aggiornare da remoto il firmware. Grazie a questo nuovo protocollo, più performante, sarà possibile programmare la centrale usando una specifica app e gestire anche molte informazioni sia in modalità locale (bluetooth) che da remoto (wifi / GSM), migliorando l’esperienza d’uso.


EasyAXS is the new connectivity solution which boosts the potential of BFT products and services to make access automations smarter and easier to use for both installers and end users. BFT solutions are a great step forward for the access sector. Installers and end users can enjoy from connectivity benefits through the reliable, secure and convenient system.

24 V

Tarkka, turvallinen ja luotettava tekniikka Bft:n 24-volttinen tekniikka takaa optimaaliset toiminnot sulkemisen ja avauksen aikaisella hidastuksen tarkalla säädöllä. Turvallisuus on toinen perusnäkökohta, joka on taattu liikkeen välittömällä pysäytyksellä ja suunnanvaihdolla esteiden yhteydessä. Käytettävän tekniikan tehokkuus takaa tuotteen luotettavuuden.

Dynaaminen liike

Tarvittava käyttövoima turvallisen toiminnan takaamiseksi. Tämä vääntövoiman älykäs hallintajärjestelmä perustuu Bft-ohjausyksiköiden mikroprosessoritekniikkaan. Se päivittää liikkeiden toteuttamiseen tarvittavan käyttövoiman eri indikaattoreista tulevien tietojen perusteella. Lisäksi D-Track tekee asentajalle helpommaksi laatia laissa vaadittavat sertifikaatit. Perinteiset ohjausyksiköt eivät pysty "lukemaan" portin tarkkaa asentoa, vaan käyttävät tästä johtuen tasaista työntövoimaa takaamatta avaus- tai sulkemisliikkeen aikaista jatkuvaa herkkyyttä. Bft:n laitteet sitä vastoin rekisteröivät portin tai oven voiman pienimmätkin vaihtelut, jotka voivat johtua esimerkiksi lämpötilan heilahteluista tai kuluneisuudesta, tuottaen siten moottorista aina optimaalisen vääntövoiman. Perinteinen ohjausyksikkö ei pysty tunnistamaan työntövoiman tarvittavia vaihteluita, vaan antaisi mainituissa tapauksissa ilmoituksen esteistä, joita ei todellisuudessa ole. Bft-järjestelmä takaa siis laitteiston maksimaalisen turvallisuuden ja täydellisen toimivuuden riippumatta sääolosuhteista, lämpötilasta ja mekaanisesta kuluneisuudesta.


U-Security è una nuova tecnologia di BFT che, oltre ad incorporare una nuova trasmissione Rolling code criptata, integra anche le funzionalità del sistema Er-Ready e introduce una nuova procedura per la programmazione dei radiocomandi BFT tramite lettura con QR-CODE. Il nuovo sistema di codifica Rolling code ha una chiave di cifratura che maschera il codice e impedisce la clonazione del radiocomando BFT con modelli terzi. Tutti i prodotti che hanno questa tecnologia integrano il sistema di codifica per la clonazione diretta dei radiocomandi (Er-Ready) e sono quindi tutti REPLAY. Inoltre con U-Security sarà possibile inserire radiocomandi su una ricevente BFT e programmarli usando il QR-code che si trova stampato sul guscio di ogni Mitto C grazie ad una specifica app.

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Ohjaustaulu 1:lle tai 2:lle 24 V:n kääntöportille monimutkaisiin laitteistoihin. Application: control panel for one or two 24V operators for swing gates Taulun virtalähde: 230 V, yksivaiheinen Operators power supply: 24Vdc 240W max each operator Main features: removable terminal blocks with new standard colour-coding, simplified scenario-based programming with display and incorporated receiver, D-Track anti-crushing system , slowdown during opening and closing and electronic self-learning Main features: automatic closing, rapid closing, partial opening, operation with deadman feature, direct connection powered solenoid lock and electromagnet, direct connection edge 8K2. Compatibility: LIBRA C MA, LIBRA C LX, LIBRA, LIBRA R, LIBRA MA R



Inputs and outputs expansion card for Thalia BT A card. Includes two command inputs and four non-programmable security inputs.


Emergency battery kit for DUO series panels, complete with wiring and power supply card. Version for installation inside the box.