433 MHz nepārtraukti mainīga koda tālvadības pultis automātiskajiem vārtiem, garāžu vārtiem un citām automatizētajām ierīcēm

433 MHz nepārtraukti mainīga koda tālvadības pultis automātiskajiem vārtiem, garāžu vārtiem un citām automatizētajām ierīcēm

Range of remote controls comprising two and four-button models, all with red pin LEDS, available in four colours and with the option of customising the front part. Supports the new U-Security technology and are powered by a widely available 3V pin battery.

433 MHz nepārtraukti mainīga koda tālvadības pultis automātiskajiem vārtiem, garāžu vārtiem un citām automatizētajām ierīcēm

Galvenās iezīmes

Incorporates the replay function: this function is available on all models and series, so there are fewer codes to manage; you can clone a BFT remote control simply and quickly. You can even do so remotely from your office.

Remote controls can be programmed using an app: insert a remote control into the BFT receiver and the task is now quick and easy: you can insert and also program the remote control without being near to the receiver. A solution which saves you time.

The four-button, multi-channel remote control: the four-button model can handle up to 8 channels, thanks to the special key combinations. With a single remote control, you can control all of the automation systems is in your home.

Radio transmission with encryption technology: with the new radio protocol, data is transmitted using a rolling code system and, in addition, this code is masked first with a sophisticated encryption key



U-Security è una nuova tecnologia di BFT che, oltre ad incorporare una nuova trasmissione Rolling code criptata, integra anche le funzionalità del sistema Er-Ready e introduce una nuova procedura per la programmazione dei radiocomandi BFT tramite lettura con QR-CODE. Il nuovo sistema di codifica Rolling code ha una chiave di cifratura che maschera il codice e impedisce la clonazione del radiocomando BFT con modelli terzi. Tutti i prodotti che hanno questa tecnologia integrano il sistema di codifica per la clonazione diretta dei radiocomandi (Er-Ready) e sono quindi tutti REPLAY. Inoltre con U-Security sarà possibile inserire radiocomandi su una ricevente BFT e programmarli usando il QR-code che si trova stampato sul guscio di ogni Mitto C grazie ad una specifica app.

Produktu saraksts

  • Produktu jaunumi

2-Channel transmitter. 50/100 m range. 3V power supply with 1 CR2032 type battery. Blue.

  • Produktu jaunumi

4-Channel transmitter. 50/100 m range. 3V power supply with 1 CR2032 type battery. Blue.

  • Produktu jaunumi

4-Channel transmitter. 50/100 m range. 3V power supply with 1 CR2032 type battery. Yellow.

  • Produktu jaunumi

4-Channel transmitter. 50/100 m range. 3V power supply with 1 CR2032 type battery. Grey.

  • Produktu jaunumi

4-Channel transmitter. 50/100 m range. 3V power supply with 1 CR2032 type battery. White.

  • Produktu jaunumi

Pack of 4 MITTO transmitters in 4 BFT colours: blue, yellow, grey and white.