Pretteroristu bloķētāji

Bft zina, ka mūsdienās drošība sabiedriskās un privātās pilsētvides vietās ir būtiska, lai aizsargātu cilvēkus un īpašumus.
Triecienizturība ir pirmais parametrs, kas tiek izmantots, lai novērtētu visu…

Filtrēt produktus

800 mm
10 mm
273 mm
667000 J

Automatic hydraulic anti-terrorism bollard, suitable for protection of sensitive sites, tested and certified (crash-tested) according to the IWA14-1:2013 standard with V/7200 [N2A]/48 rating, equivalent to PAS68:2013 with V/7500 [N2]/48, ASTM2656:2007 M30 rating. Double installation. Emergency Fast Operation (EFO) system for rapid closing of the access in emergency situations. Independent hydraulic control unit for each bollard: if one control unit breaks, the other bollards will continue to function whilst maintenance work is facilitated.

High strength automatic hydraulic bollard with built-in hydraulic control unit, tested and certified by an independent organisation in accordance with PAS68:2010 with 7500/50/N2 rating that includes ASTM F2656:2007 M30 (dynamic simulation). SD version which keeps the bollard raised in the event of a loss of power (protection of sensitive sites). Standard version where the bollard instantly drops in the event of a loss of power.

Automatic hydraulic anti-terrorism bollard, suitable for protection of sensitive sites, tested and certified (crash-tested) according to the IWA14-1:2013 standard with V/7200 [N2A]/48 rating, equivalent to PAS68:2013 with V/7500 [N2]/48, ASTM2656:2007 M30 rating. Double installation. Independent hydraulic control unit for each bollard: if one control unit breaks, the other bollards will continue to function whilst maintenance work is facilitated.

Automatic hydraulic anti-terrorism bollard, tested and certified (crash-tested) according to the IWA14-1:2013 standard with V/7200[N3C]/80 rating, equivalent to PAS68:2010 7500/80/N3 and ASTM2656:2007 M50, suitable for protection of sensitive sites. Also available in EFO version (Emergency Fast Operation) for rapid closing of the access in emergency situations. Independent hydraulic control unit for each bollard: if one control unit breaks, the other bollards will continue to function whilst maintenance work is facilitated.

Fixed tall security bollard suitable for protection of sensitive sites. Reference standard PAS68:2010 7500/50/N2, ASTM2656:2007 M30. High-strength structure based on the design of the automatic version XPASS B 275/800.

Fixed tall security bollard suitable for protection of sensitive sites. Referencestandards IWA-14-1:2013 and PAS68:2010 with 7500/80/N3C rating, which includes ASTM2656:2007 M50. Double installation. High-strength structure based on the design of the automatic version XPASS B 330/1200.

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    Pretteroristu bloķētāji

    Bft zina, ka mūsdienās drošība sabiedriskās un privātās pilsētvides vietās ir būtiska, lai aizsargātu cilvēkus un īpašumus.
    Triecienizturība ir pirmais parametrs, kas tiek izmantots, lai novērtētu visu pretteroristu poleru kategoriju, jo tā paredz maksimālo enerģiju, kādu šī veida produkts spēj izturēt, lai apturētu tajā ietriekušos transportlīdzekli. Bft pretteroristu poleri ir ārkārtīgi efektīvi vietās ar augstu transportlīdzekļu uzbrukuma risku, jo tie spēj apturēt 7,5 tonnu smagu transportlīdzekli, kas brauc ar ātrumu 80 km/h.
    Otrs svarīgs faktors ir poleru spēja teicami iederēties apkārtnē, nemainot vispārējo rezultātu.