Road barriers

Сектор автоматических барьеров является в Bft одним из активно развивающихся направлений, поскольку речь идет об изделии широкого спектра применения. В зависимости от вида использования автоматические…

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Range of 24V electromechanical barriers with adjustable opening speed for traffic control management. Ideal for installation in large car parks, vehicle access points and industrial gates. Compatible with ES and PS booms. Balancing spring kit to be purchased separately, according to requirements. Cap light diffuser to be purchased separately. High degree of movement control and impact resistance via encoder. Integrated control unit with U-Link connectivity. ULTRA aesthetics similar to the Maxima Ultra 36. Wide range of accessories for any type of application.

Electromechanical barrier with inverter technology and three-phase asynchronous motor for high frequency of use, developed and designed for a wide range of operating conditions such as large car parks or motorway toll booths with frequent inversions of movement. Can control access points from 2 to 6 metres wide with fully accessorised barrier. Oil bath gearbox unit. Mechanical crankshaft movement which can deliver fluidity of movement of the bar and control its soft opening and closing movements. Cap with RGB lights (optional) with traffic light function, available parking spaces and self-diagnostics. Easier access thanks to the dual entrance. With U-Link protocol for integration with Parking Management or Building Management systems in a single model.

Electromechanical barriers with speed variator and three-phase induction motor for high frequency of use. Designed and developed to operate in a wide variety of conditions such as large car parks, motorway tollgates with frequent reversing, industrial installations. Three-phase motor with inverter. Oil bath gear motor. Mechanical crankshaft movement (anti-vandalism system) which can deliver fluidity of movement and balance to the bar by also controlling its soft opening and closing. With U-Link protocol for integration with Parking Management or Building Management systems.

Range of professional 230 Vac electromechanical barriers with speed variator and three-phase induction motor for high frequency of use. Designed and developed to operate in a wide variety of conditions such as large car parks, motorway tollgates with frequent reversing, industrial installations. Three-phase motor with inverter. Oil bath gear motor. Mechanical crankshaft movement (anti-vandalism system) which can deliver fluidity of movement and balance to the bar by also controlling its soft opening and closing. With U-Link protocol for integration with Parking Management or Building Management systems. Possibility of setting the useful passage from electronic control unit

Range of professional 230 Vac electro-mechanical barriers for frequent use, designed to work under a great variety of conditions including large car parks, motorway toll gates with frequent reversing, industrial installations. Mechanical movement with crank to make the bar operate smoothly and harmoniously, also managing slowdowns in opening and closing.

Ряд шлагбаумов для очень интенсивного пользования, способных регулировать движение при ширине полезного проезда до 8 метров. Благодаря широкому выбору принадлежностей, встроенной сигнальной лампе и возможности установки фотоэлементов данное оборудование отлично работает в любых условиях.

Ряд шлагбаумов для интенсивного и очень интенсивного пользования, способных регулировать движение при ширине полезного проезда до 6 метров. Встроенный блок управления с протоколом связи U-Link Имеются в версиях на 24 В и располагают широким ассортиментом принадлежностей, которые позволяют применять данное оборудование в любых условиях.

Range of 24 V electromechanical barriers with opening speeds of between 2.2 and 4 seconds, depending on the length of the bar. Ideal for installation in large car parks, vehicle access points and industrial gates between 2 and 6 m wide. High degree of movement control and impact resistance via encoder. Integrated control unit with U-Link connectivity. Same appearance as Maxima U36 barrier. Wide range of accessories for any type of application.

Ряд шлагбаумов для очень интенсивного пользования, способных регулировать движение при ширине полезного проезда до 5 метров. Широкий ассортимент дополнительных принадлежностей делает их идеально подходящими для любого контекста.

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    Road barriers

    Сектор автоматических барьеров является в Bft одним из активно развивающихся направлений, поскольку речь идет об изделии широкого спектра применения. В зависимости от вида использования автоматические шлагбаумы имеют различную длину и могут заграждать въезды шириной от 2 до 6 метров в жилом секторе и в сфере управления движением/парковками, и до 8 метров - в промышленных условиях.
    С помощью протокола U-Link установщик может своевременно выполнять обслуживание шлагбаума, устранять возможные проблемы или удаленно изменять настройки.